Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Brief Exploration of the Tumultuous Interdependence between The Rounge and the Animal Kingdom

The Rounge has, and forever will have, an inexplicable and inextricable link specific creatures in the majestic animal kingdom. Let's take a detailed look at a few of the highlights:

Pandas mean a lot to the Rounge, but I challenge any one member to explain why or how these majestic creatures came to such prominence. Long after the panda hunt came to a conclusion and all pandaganda efforts should have come to a close, the rounge is still visited by numerous pandas. Why?
Llamarama was, in my opinion, running through our veins long before the rounge was even formed. However it was Lupa, the great Llama Lover and Lorenzo Lamas fan, that turned his simple, unbridled love of llamas into something the rest of the rounge could really appreciate.

I hate cats. Absolutely hatethem. I'm pretty sure Grimace does too. But I think we all love lolcats. Hence this picture.

I don't know how anyone could possibly comment on this post. That's a challenge.

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