Thursday, October 1, 2009

Internal Struggle

Does Mad Men provide me enough entertainment to outweigh how much it makes me want to KM? Consider this past week's episode.

Don basically goes to work late, closes a huge deal because he made a guy a good Old Fashioned, drinks whiskey all day, yells at a b*tch to shut the h*ll up, will probably eventually sleep with his daughter's hot school teacher, yells at his wife, gets f*cked up on some pills as any good Rounger does and that's about it.

Whose fictional TV life is better? Debate away. My candidates, off the top of my abnormally mollusk-like head:

- Eric from Entourage Season 2 - basically had no job, started sleeping with Sloan, got a free Maserati, made 500k for reading the Aquaman script.

- Aforementioned Don Draper

- Uncle Jesse from Full House - Aunt Becky, yes please. Plus a rocker's life. Probably doesn't pay rent.


  1. zack morris. i assume no explanation is needed.

  2. to a point in your post, has anything fallen off more than Entourage? it is poorly written, horribly acted, and almost as unrealistic as Lost in trying to convince me that a 4'11'' hobbit could get Sloane. I haven't watched since that started happening.

    Michael Westen, Burn Notice.

  3. Realistic possibility seems to be a heavily-weighted TV show characteristic for you, Queso. Does this apply to films as well? Do you only watch Survivor, The Hills and documentaries?

  4. i did try watching the new season of Hills last night sitting on the couch with my wife. we both felt stupider than we already are.. it only took us up to the first commercial break to realize. and yes.. it was Tivo'd.

  5. No, I'm with Queso, Michael Westen is leading a pretty sweet fictional life right now (minus constantly trying to be killed). And if I were oder, I'd say Sam from Burn Notice. Bruce Campbell has always been cool, but never better than as a retired special ops guy in Miami who cares about nothing except boozing and rich women, but still carries a trunk full of guns.

  6. Westen -- no brainer.

    Jessica Fletcher (Angela Lansbury in Murder She Wrote) b/c driving is for poor people.

    Jack Donaghy - Heading to Rio to tan in the nude and bet on some monkey wrestling.

    Alex Trebeck - I only assume that's a character b/c he's such a d*ckbag

    Anyone on Seinfeld - Very little work, tons of b*nging hot chicks, witty repartee
