Monday, October 5, 2009


Swear to God, buddy at GE sent me this email he got from "corporate."

Conversation Opportunities

October presents some great opportunities to buzz about GE holiday lights with your family and friends.

  • · Sitting around the dinner table with family and friends

  • · As everyone admires the Halloween decorations, talk about holiday lighting options

  • · When people start talking about how to save money at home

  • · Fall sporting events

    From "30 Rock" - Jack:All you have to do as the writing staff of an NBC show is incorporate positive mentions, or 'POS-MENS' of GE products into your program. For example you could write an episode where one of your character purchases, and is satisfied with one of GE's direct current drilling motors for off-shore or land-based projects.

    Are you kidding me, GE?!


    1. Sounds like they are really pushing "upward revenue stream dynamics" for all of us.

      I still love the "safe bbqing" email we got at Lehman.

      When we start whatever we start in order for us to race yachts, we're defintely sending out ridiculous emails (i.e. safe yachting) to lower level employees.

    2. Does anyone have the safe grilling email? I think there was a teach in as well.
