Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Top Ten!!! (Halloween episode)

Top Ten things to look forward to this Halloween...

10. TG - Finally has excuse to dress up as the Indian Chief from Village People and parade around the Meatpacking District. (Fabulous!)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sliding Doors

Today, I was walking out of my apartment and the door had closed behind me and I actually turned around, reopened it, and walked back in to get my umbrella even though it wasn't raining out. It was the opposite of the Harold and Kumar Moment when Roldy realizes he left his cell phone at his apartment but was already 4 steps away from the door and says no, "we've gone too far".

Anyway, it wasn't raining, I was kinda pissed, and then I got downtown to the giant hole in the ground by where I work and it was absolutely pouring. I'm wearing a suit for Nobu tonight, and had I not had an umbrella there is a greater than 125% chance I'd have killed myself today.

For better or worse, that quick decision to turn around and grab an umbrella (thin slicing for you Gladwell fans out there) ironically led to my continued misery in living life, though kept me happy and unwet (my people are like mogwais) for the morning.

I would like to propose a new daily feature to the rounge in which someone discusses their "Sliding Doors" moment, in which something seemingly inoccuous changed the course of their day/life/ability to get so drnk. Today, because I haven't yet jumped from a building, I will enjoy at least 5 manhattans tonight and a margarita and a few beers.

Tomorrow, I will be back to a normalized KM ratio of 98:2. SMIF.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday Roundy

I hide no feelings about my love of chocolate. It could be my skin tone that has helped me develop this particular affinity, but then wouldn't I want my food to be really big and attractive? Wait, that makes sense too. Ok, so yeah, I like my food like me: Spicy, hot, potent, and usually hilarious.

Back to the point, chocolate is awesome and kill yourself if you're allergic. it goes on damn near anything (except sour patch kids). Cheese? check. Nuts? check. Bacon? Tell me you wouldn't try it. Hell, it's even good on a banana. And god help you if you haven't tried the hot chocolate at Godiva.

Basically, don't do anything stupid with chocolate and you will be rewarded with a wonderful sensation in your mouth and general happiness in life.

That brings us to the nefarious people at Nestle, who decided that their delicious products of which no one had found fault, needed to be expanded on. They invented the Raisinet, which to me is like inventing Ice-9. And the populists today have the chutspa to say WALL STREET SEEKS EXCESS? At least at Lehman we wrapped up crappy mortgages with other crappy mortgages. Nestle made you think that hey, this looks chocolatey, it must be awesome...and BAM, in your stupid face is a mfking RAISIN!

If someone asked me what's the worst food in the world, I would immediately, and without hesitation, reply "raisin". no, I'd say "MFKING RAISINS" and I'd immediately puke then punch you in the stupid face for making me think about them. And movie theatres have decided to ubiquitously place them in their theatres and charge money for them when they really should be placed next to the defibrilator for use of stomach pumping. And god forbid you go with someone else and you have Goobers (which are awesome) and they have Raisinets and you get mixed up. Oh, and the look like rabbit feces.

How could one candy be so bad? How could they ruin chocolate, Ambrosia's ambrosia? I'd dive into a chocolate volcano if I could, but now i'd have reservations because what if raisins where in there?

Raisinets are the Sarah Jessica Parker of Candy. Yeah, I said it. Eat it, horsefaces.

What's your least favorite candy bar?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Herrrrrrr-ro, everybody. While the symbiotic confluence of the Rounge and pandas is still not entirely clear to me, one thing is for sure --- pirate pandas are an unstoppable killing force hellbent on world domination. Rarrrrrr!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

wtf is rounge? - retort

I understand the rounge has been absent as of late, but who could look away when changa is having such a good time trading. He is the Favre of programs, he gets older but the game never does!!

wtf is rounge?

Wake up, sleepyheads. Impromptu Top Ten!!!!!!

Top Ten Items from Childhood Roungers Still Have:

10. TG: A-Team themed bed sheets.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Brief Exploration of the Tumultuous Interdependence between The Rounge and the Animal Kingdom

The Rounge has, and forever will have, an inexplicable and inextricable link specific creatures in the majestic animal kingdom. Let's take a detailed look at a few of the highlights:

Pandas mean a lot to the Rounge, but I challenge any one member to explain why or how these majestic creatures came to such prominence. Long after the panda hunt came to a conclusion and all pandaganda efforts should have come to a close, the rounge is still visited by numerous pandas. Why?
Llamarama was, in my opinion, running through our veins long before the rounge was even formed. However it was Lupa, the great Llama Lover and Lorenzo Lamas fan, that turned his simple, unbridled love of llamas into something the rest of the rounge could really appreciate.

I hate cats. Absolutely hatethem. I'm pretty sure Grimace does too. But I think we all love lolcats. Hence this picture.

I don't know how anyone could possibly comment on this post. That's a challenge.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kentucky Fried Panda


Swear to God, buddy at GE sent me this email he got from "corporate."

Conversation Opportunities

October presents some great opportunities to buzz about GE holiday lights with your family and friends.

  • · Sitting around the dinner table with family and friends

  • · As everyone admires the Halloween decorations, talk about holiday lighting options

  • · When people start talking about how to save money at home

  • · Fall sporting events

    From "30 Rock" - Jack:All you have to do as the writing staff of an NBC show is incorporate positive mentions, or 'POS-MENS' of GE products into your program. For example you could write an episode where one of your character purchases, and is satisfied with one of GE's direct current drilling motors for off-shore or land-based projects.

    Are you kidding me, GE?!

  • Friday, October 2, 2009


    Wishing the Rounge a happy and so drnk weekend...Lets discuss Happy Hour (to be followed up with official weekend rounge drink: bloody mary's (or oscars) tomorrow AM.

    I will start off with a beer, immediately followed by a whiskey...immediately followed by 25 more whiskey's. KM Ratio ticking down to mid 80's!!

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    Rounge Weekend Drink of the Week

    It's getting late into the year, the temperature is dropping and it's getting dark earlier. However, the rounge still parties late into the night, trying desperately to grasp on to the fleeting summer. We say keep your egg nogs, hot toddies and muddled ciders to yourself; we're still drinking cold beers on the patio and taking shots of CnP until 4 a.m.

    Late-night partying often requires late-morning pick me ups. I propose that the bloody mary be this week's drink of the week; it's the perfect way to ward off Friday's hangover and begin a college-football packed Saturday afternoon, and it's a refreshing way to wind down on Sunday evening, while watching a chilling new episode of Dexter.

    Internal Struggle

    Does Mad Men provide me enough entertainment to outweigh how much it makes me want to KM? Consider this past week's episode.

    Don basically goes to work late, closes a huge deal because he made a guy a good Old Fashioned, drinks whiskey all day, yells at a b*tch to shut the h*ll up, will probably eventually sleep with his daughter's hot school teacher, yells at his wife, gets f*cked up on some pills as any good Rounger does and that's about it.

    Whose fictional TV life is better? Debate away. My candidates, off the top of my abnormally mollusk-like head:

    - Eric from Entourage Season 2 - basically had no job, started sleeping with Sloan, got a free Maserati, made 500k for reading the Aquaman script.

    - Aforementioned Don Draper

    - Uncle Jesse from Full House - Aunt Becky, yes please. Plus a rocker's life. Probably doesn't pay rent.

    Top Ten!!!

    It's a tough economy, many of us need to find side jobs in order to make ends meet. Some dogs might take side jobs as pandas, and some pandas might take side jobs at investment banks. What are roungers doing on the side to make supplemental income?

    10. Squid - Takes a part-time job as a dog walker. Fired after 3 days, but hey, it put food on the table.