Monday, August 24, 2009


Huevos, how was the crown and peach? All, please report who got so drnk this weekend, and any ensuing stories.


  1. was in houston for a wedding, along with squid and taco pequeno. ordered shots of CnP on friday night, which were a little heavy on the peach for my liking but certainly effective. on the walk from the tiki bar to the hotel, we were accosted by a gang of banditos who wanted to throw down due to a beer bottle that was allegedly hurled by a member of our party at their car. la policia put a stop to things before they got too out of hand. no ond was arrested, i'm pretty sure the cops though it was funny. obviously, we went immediately to denny's to regroup and refuel.

    the CnP worked.

  2. Big fan of the CnPs. It's still Beam for me on most occasions, but CnP is a great 'tastes good/still gets me drunk/not too girly to order' shot.
    My major weekend story was heading to the bar Sunday afternoon and not sticking with the plan to 'only have a couple' before my fantasy draft. Darren McFadden and LeSean McCoy aren't anchoring the backfield too well...
