Friday, August 21, 2009

Global Warming gets all the press, but there's another looming disaster:

I'm less concerned about the eventual end of the world at the hands of the living dead, as I am at the fact that this was sponsored by grants from NSERC and MITACS, two of Canada's premier science and engineering research councils.


  1. Thank you, HuevosRancheros, for helping me get through this day as I was too hungover to post, and Taco Grande (the other rabid poster) is out.

    holy SMIF, I just want to go home. what's the drink of the weekend? Crown and peach again?

  2. I've got a 3 hour open bar tonight, I think I'm gonna try these crown-and-peaches. Is it shots only, or on the rocks as well?

  3. i've only ever had it in shot form, but it might be okay on the rocks, too.
