Monday, September 28, 2009

Case of the Mondays

holy smif it's gonna be a rough week.

can we collectively come up with incentives to get us through? like a cng before the poofy weather comes in right in time for the weekend?

also, I propose matching aqua sweaters but all with different spins (tg - turtlenectk, lupa - sweater vest/sleeveless, dilla - argyle, changa - mock neck, squid - 6 arm slots, etc)...why? why not?


  1. This is, aside from the picture, by far the worst post the rounge has ever seen. To celebrate Queso's incalculable stupidity of face, let's do a TOP TEN!!!! Top Ten Activities That Would Expose the Rounge's Incompetence

    10. The Bar @ the bar The Bar

  2. the fact that it got the ball rolling on anything proves its worth (proof is in the pudding label will be added). Rounge died without stimulus on Friday, I was personally affected.

    9) creating hilarious website and trying to monetize it.

  3. 4. Queso and Dilla resort to racing pedal boats around the Central Park reservoir.

  4. "It's freedom of speech. I can't get mad at you for freedom of speech. But I can ask them, would you be willing to fight me? My dad always told me that when you can't agree on something, at that point, you must fight. I don't condone fighting, but I always say that if you're tougher than me, prove it. Nobody's ever been able to prove it. The proof is in the pudding, and if you've ever tasted the pudding, you know how good it is." My favorite is chocolate and butterscotch mix, since they don't make a vanilla and butterscotch mix. I don't know why they don't. I wonder if it has something to do with the Scottish. Maybe they didn't want their pudding mixed with vanilla. That is, assuming butterscotch has something to do with Scotland. I was going off the whiskey and ethnic name old people attribute to the people of Scotland. Like calling the Welsh "Welch" and English "Brits". Of course that doesn't really work with Cornish or Irish. What was I getting at? Oh yeah. You what's your favorite pudding? Because now that we're on the subject, mine's really black pudding. The one you make from congealed blood sausage, and include in a hearty breakfast. Nothing washes away a hangover better and gets washed down by a Guinness better. Guiness being a Irish beer, that may or may not come from a Welsh recipe. But in the end it's not really about the recipe now is it? It's about Ireland becoming famous for their beer and the Guinness family rich off the sales, until Diageo was formed, claiming top British gins and Scottish whiskeys alike. And while the Cornish still had their game hens, the Welsh can claim the recipe, because that's freedom of speech, but are they really gonna fight a multinational corporation for it? If you want it, you've got to fight for it, and the proof is in always in pudding.

  5. Ricky Ricardo: An aqua, aran sweater with an elbow frayed by an errant tear from a nail.

    I am John Galt.

  6. huevos, great post. by the by, i took ethics with Ryan Sidney. Ethics. I really wish I had a tape recorder and/or ever went to class and/or wasn't drunk for class. He's basically in the zone where I'd believe anything someone told me he said or did. (Tyson Zone per Bill Simmons).
