Friday, September 18, 2009

Rounge Weekend Drink

WTF is it? I want something, but I'm not sure what. I have some Harpoon Oktoberfests, but what else is there? Something strong, but don't want to be knocked out after one. Thoughts? Moby?


  1. is it ok to propose sake? it's like doing shots but you can do it all night...makes you feel ragey but with longevity. Or Sake bombs. Maybe i should just km.

  2. trying to push 700's they ain't made them yet.

  3. what are 700s? in terms of drunkness for your dollar, i'm more of a fan of soju (Korean rice-wine) than sake, but with neither easy to find, i might pursue some scotch and waters tonight- simple, refreshing, sophisticated, intoxicating.

  4. kettles of soju? christ, pass the kimchee, huevos. scotch and soda is better, as the effervescent bubbles dance down my gullet.

  5. Early night, but I went with an old standby- Sparks mixed with Miller Light. Nothing classy about it. The better version is Sparks/Mickey's (aka Hand Grenade) but the bodega was out of Mickey's. As for Soju- I think the distillation process is fairly similar to Sake, but a half-dozen shots and I am distinctly wasted. It's like drinking absinthe- I only do it b/c I know it'll get me very wasted very easily.

  6. Wow. Soju's distillation process is on par with the industrial solvents they use to clean engine parts and take grafitti off subway cars.

    I'm alone in rural Jersey with my dog. I think I'm going to keep my alcohol intake to a manageable level, lest I get tuned up and watch basic cable and pass out every night.

    Life. Is. AWE. SUM.

  7. Based cable is my main form of recreation. Thanks for the insight on Soju's distillation; it's cheap, but I suppose I can get industrial solvents even cheaper. And who wouldn't be at least curious if I opened a "huffing bar"?
