Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ratings are down, so I thought we could install a semi-regular feature whereby people can post misc. comments that could have been replies to previous posts but were just thought of now. Because the problem with commenting in the old post is that nobody ever sees it.


  1. To start us off, an experience from the list of "most heinous common to semi-common female names". Last week I had set up a meeting with someone I'd never met before named Sylvia, with a last name rivaling Killer Kowalski's. On Friday she walks into my office, and completely betraying her name is an attractive girl in her mid-20s. This doesn't completely make up for my hideous 9th-grade English teacher name Sylvia (spanish word for cow), but it's a start.

  2. I'd also like to tie several posts together with the following from the Tom Selleck classic Mr. Baseball, which I stayed up until 130 watching last week:

    Hiroki: "I have seen free-moustache rides offered on t-shirts in America. Always by guys you would not want to ride with."

  3. forgot to mention in the heinous names column: Winifred. Yeah, a girl's name. Granted, it's not semi common but it's something I came across.

    Huevos, you bring up an interesting phenomenon. The hot girl with the unsuitable name. I'm thinking Tim's Ingrid from BC, and the tennis player, Ruta, also from BC.

  4. I like this idea. As we form a more coherent global roungetable platform, it's important we don't leave any important bits of hilarity/clarity behind. I had some Smuttynose Porters last night and they were fantastic. I just needed to get that off my chest. I recommend you all try them.

  5. An addition to the "Real Movie/Bad Prn" file:

    Honey I Blew Up the Kid

  6. Queso, I actually made an Ingrid comment on the original with her in mind, and seconded by this incredible blonde from b-school.

  7. big time Grimace, great job. also, good work on the real movie/bad prn addition
