Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Top Ten things the Lehman Brothers would have spent the money on had they received a capital infusion 1 year ago:

10) Intricately packaged Panda Backed Securities (PBS) to sell to China in exchange for new fully fungible Panda Currency


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 9) The continued 'support' of the rating agencies in keeping Lupa's mortgage a AAA rated security

  3. 8. Hiring Dolph Lundgren to challenge Gasparino to boxing match in 32nd floor board room

  4. 5) development of space age material for trousers that both breathe and hug TG's curves

  5. 4) Re-hiring of Queso as Global Head of Jai Hind, TG immediately incites a bloody coup against him

  6. 3) Immediate re-branding of bank to Mexican Theme, promotional stress balls for Banco de Tortilla costs > $6bn, borrowing from Fed window for additional stress balls aimed to promote the need for another capital infusion, or infusion de capital in accordance with new theme.

  7. 2. Finance Ricardo's "Guns and Glory" western inspired theme park where guests can relive historical battles with live ammunition. Tagline: anything from Red Dawn

  8. 1) Gold statue in lobby of our fearless leader Dick 'The Tortilla' Fuld swatting Wizard of Oz'esque monkeys with Einhorn heads off the Herculean back of Lehman

  9. 0) Technology improvements for website blockers to discourage employees from googling "Panda + Anything", "Erin Burnett", "Michael Jackson + Giraffe", "Lehman Brothers Ridiculous Disasater", "How to get h*gh from spices in the trader pantry", and "Mortgage Backed Securities for Dummies".

  10. Taco,
    Way off. Reenacting historical battles would indicate an appreciation for the past. I'd let people fight the battles of the future. Due to technological limitations of lasers/tasers/phasers/"phased-plasma rifle in the 40 watt range", people would attack one another with laser pointers and then chuck a rock at the other guy's face. Tagline: Anything from "Serendipity"
