Monday, September 21, 2009

MacTemps Case Analysis [redacted]



  1. this definitely could have used some labels.

  2. Thanks, Queso. Just got to a computer linked to that new-fangled interweb. If one clicks on my link as a contributor, one sees that i maintain a 2nd blog for an mba class. i had a 3rd one about my basement remodel. well, i had a 4th one where i showed the Ramadi River Race photos. that should have been called "Fail Blog" or "Profiles in Court-Martialdom"

  3. great weekends turn into miserable monday mornings turn into miserable weeks which make me wish I did something like dress up in a chicken suit for a living and curse at children. seriously, racing yachts, lets make it happen. TURKS & QUESO!

  4. Ricardo, I appreciate that you carried over the measure of Gibbs Free Energy. It's a measure of thermodynamics that you can prove with rubber bands, unlike my many failed attempts to violate that second law.
